Upcoming Events

Family Documents

Members and Guests Potluck Supper

Plan to attend our season opening Potluck Supper featuring Oriole Veldhuis sharing information on the Criddle / Vane homestead. Supper will be at 6:00 PM in the Lounge at Knox Church, 451 18th Street, Brando Please email George at sw-treasurer@mbgenealogy.com  by...

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FamilySearch Centre Tours

Wednesday and Thursday, September 11 and 12, 7:00: tour of the recently reopened FamilySearch Centre. We are scheduling 2 evenings as the room is not very large. Please email George at  sw-treasurer@mbgenealogy.com  by September 6th to indicate which evening you would...

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Library Summer Hours

Summer Hours (July and August) for Southwest Branch MEG Library By appointment only on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday Hours between 1:00 - 5:00 PM Email: to contact us : swmbgenealogy@gmail.com  to make an appointment or send a query to our volunteers.  

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