Become a Member

Welcome to the South West Branch website. The SWB is part of Manitoba Genealogical Society Inc. Our Branch is located in the South West corner of Manitoba. Our Branch Library is located in Brandon at Knox United Church, 451 – 18th Street. Our meetings are mainly held at Crocus Plains Regional High School on the 1st Wednesday of each month with the exception of July and August when we do not meet. Once or twice a year we have a tour of a museum or archive in the SW Manitoba area. Our program committee organizes presentation for each meeting on varied and interesting topics related to family history and genealogy. We welcome you to come to our meetings, learn about our programs and become a member. “Getting Started” Workshops are organized for new genealogist yearly and we have started to hold new member meetings to help new members get started.
Benefits of memberships: Access to our Margaret E. Goodman Library, new members meetings, reduced fees for Branch events and receive the New Leaf Newsletter.
When joining the SWBranch you will also become a member of Manitoba Genealogical Society and receive the benefits of MGS membership.
New Leaf is the newsletter of the South West Branch Manitoba Genealogical Society. It is published four times a year in March, June, September and December. All members receive a digital copy of each issue of the newsletter. New Leaf informs members of the activities of the Branch, contains tips and interesting articles pertaining to genealogical work, and provides biographies of people with a South West Branch Manitoba Genealogical Society connection.
Annual Membership Fees
Individual Membership shall be issued to anyone who is a member of the Manitoba Genealogical Society. Associate Membership shall be issued to any additional person residing at the same address as the individual member in good standing who is also a member of the Society and who has paid the appropriate fees.
Annual Individual Membership Fees – $75.00 ($60 for MGS membership, plus $15 for the South West Branch Manitoba Genealogical Society membership). Associate Membership Fees – $35 ($25 for MGS and $10 for South West Branch). Fees are in Canadian funds.
To join or renew your membership to the South West Branch and MGS, print and complete this Website Membership Application Form Membership-Form and mail to: Manitoba Genealogical Society, Unit E – 1045 St James Street,Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3H 1B1 Please do not send cash through the mail. Always use traceable forms of payment.