Cemetery Transcription

At the Sparling Cemetery
Started in 1978, the South West Branch Manitoba Genealogical Society, in conjunction with the Manitoba Genealogical Society, recorded monumental inscriptions of all known cemeteries in the South West Branch Manitoba Genealogical Society area. In 2008 the Branch Cemetery Committee started a long-term plan to revisit and update the cemeteries in the South West Branch Manitoba Genealogical Society area. These updated transcriptions when completed will be added to MGSI cemetery transcription collection. to be included with the
Along with this project, members will be photographing each tombstone and inscription. These photos will be available to researchers in the future. Cemeteries that have been updated since 2008 are RM of Cornwallis – Brandon Hills, Chater, RM of Elton – Sparling and Humesville, RM of Daly – Roseville.
Watch for more information on this project.
SW Cemetery Index
If you are looking for a Monumental Inscription (MI) in the SWBranch area, our Margaret E. Goodman Memorial Library (MEG) has copies of the MI transcriptions for the cemeteries in SW Manitoba area. Contact us: with your request giving the Cemetery, Names and dates of the specific person or people. The transcripts for all cemeteries in Manitoba are available from the Manitoba Genealogical Society. See the Manitoba Genealogical Society Inc for the full list of cemeteries and the price of the transcriptions.
Manitoba Genealogical Society Cemetery Index
Click on- list of transcribed cemeteries to view the Manitoba Genealogical Society website cemetery list. Using the listings read the five columns as follows:
- MGS Cemetery Reference Number
- Given name (including colloquial name if applicable)
- Year cemetery was transcribed
- Number of pages in transcription
- Cost to purchase including copying, handling, and postage (GST is not applicable).
For example, the following entry… Minitonas
346 | Dunkinville Anglican aka Grahamville | 1988 | 7 | $2.50 |
…should be read as meaning that the Dunkinville Anglican Cemetery (also known as the Grahamville Cemetery), located in the RM of Minitonas, was transcribed in 1988. The transcript is indexed as MGS #346 and consists of seven pages. It is available at a cost of $2.50.
Ordering Cemetery Transcripts
All ordering of cemetery transcripts is done through the Manitoba Genealogical Society. To proceed, download the Cemetery Transcript Order Form, print and complete it, and then forward it with the applicable payment to: MGS Research Services Unit E – 1045 St. James Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 1B1 Canada We regret that electronic submission is NOT possible at this time. Due to the volume of requests and volunteer workload, cemetery transcript orders may take up to a month to process. Please do not send cash through the mail. Always use traceable forms of payment.